For years females bought Levi’s jeans because they fit a short waisted person better. No gender thoughts about it!

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Love this talk. So many thoughts come to mind and lessons to be taught. Thanks Tucker ☺️

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To be honest, I’ve always been more comfortable in men’s pants than women’s for the exact opposite reason.

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Loved this essay, Tucker. Awakens the vulnerability in us all (and helps us overcome it). Here's my little manifesto written years ago: "I am one of the ways there are to be human. On the day I was born and each day thereafter the definition of "human being" has been expanded by me." Please keep being you!

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I didn't know you wore women's pants, wouldn't have known either...but now i do! When I first saw you in your red pants, I probably did say, "nice pants", but also knew that you lived in New York at the time and I was seeing something this Wyoming girl doesn't see much. I already knew you weren't gay, so assumption was only that New York was a whole Era away from our typical rural fashion. Your colored pants definitely make a statement and compliment your vibrant, wonderful personality Tucker, and I love you for being brave and wearing what you like! Thank you for sharing ❤

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